What is Remote Simultaneous Interpreting?

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) is a method of simultaneous interpreting designed for online meetings or events with multilingual roster of delegates participating digitally.

An interpreter will be based remotely and will deliver the interpretation from one language to another in real-time. This is then played through a dedicated audio channel on the meeting platform so delegates will hear the speaker in their mother tongue.

There is no limit on the number of target languages, and many specialist RSI platforms offer the functionality for the delegates to choose the audio channel they listen to.

RSI has most notably grown in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic, and can also be used in tandem with simultaneous interpreting for hybrid events where delegates may be present both in-person and online.

When Should I use Remote Simultaneous Interpreting?

Online webinars
Virtual conferences
Online seminars
Remote meetings
Remote training sessions
Virtual arbitrations and legal hearings

Is Remote Simultaneous Interpreting the Best Choice for my Event?

The main benefit of RSI is the ability to conduct your business meeting, conference or event from anywhere in the world with anyone in the world, in real-time and without the hassle of unnecessary travel.

Think of all of the time saved that would be otherwise wasted on a plane, train or car travelling to and from meetings!

RSI is also significantly more cost-effective than other interpreting services, such as simultaneous interpreting. As interpreters are based remotely, it mitigates travel and accommodation costs, and the interpreters are required for a much shorter amount of time compared to in-person events.

It also helps to eliminate extra logistical pressures for event organisers, given flights, travel and hotels for the interpreting team are not required. Not only that, it also helps to reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding unnecessary travel.

Whilst there are a number of bespoke RSI platforms, each with their own unique benefits, including Interprefy, KUDO and Interactio, several monolingual meeting platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have enabled the functionality for RSI-led meetings too.

We always have your best interests at heart and will work closely with you to identify the right platform for your business event, meeting or conference so it is delivered seamlessly and will be sure to impress your guests.

How can we help?

Book a free discovery call to get expert language solutions for your next business event.

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